Deutsche Bank, Europe’s second-largest bank, the biggest bank in Germany, one of the world’s ten largest banks by assets, and of course the bank for derivatives trading, is in huge trouble.
Yeah, its a pretty pants article, with conflicting dates, hence why no one has commented on it .
As of typing, dirty deutsch bank is on the up.
I know of someone from this bank, has a stinking massive property in Surrey ,just sold two cottages on said land, and pays cleaners 13 measly pound an hour....dont evwn let the nanny live in .......the bank may collapse, but these dirty, aid and abetting employers, getaway with peoples cash.
Dirty people . Dirty morals, and stinking rich,only money, as they are high life criminals.
Robert Milfeld4 year ago
And no one went to prison. If you or I went into a 7-Eleven and held up the cashier for $100 we would be in prison for armed robbery. These banksters make a trillion and get fined a billion.
N.N.4 year ago
Can you please add a date to the article? I am reading this article in August 2020, with a prospective failure date for DB on January 15th, 2020. That doesn't make too much sense.
As of typing, dirty deutsch bank is on the up.
I know of someone from this bank, has a stinking massive property in Surrey ,just sold two cottages on said land, and pays cleaners 13 measly pound an hour....dont evwn let the nanny live in .......the bank may collapse, but these dirty, aid and abetting employers, getaway with peoples cash.
Dirty people . Dirty morals, and stinking rich,only money, as they are high life criminals.