The government is mulling to extend the “vaccine bubble” arrangement to all public premises governed by a health regulation, banning unvaccinated citizens from entering restaurants, cinemas and gyms, among others.
Premises regulated under Cap 599F, Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation include restaurants, bars and pubs, fitness centers, party rooms, clubhouses and karaoke establishments.
In the press release issued on Tuesday evening, the government said the possible extension of the “
vaccine bubble” depends on the development of the pandemic.
The extension will be considered “if the situation eventually warrants a significant increase in the vaccination coverage in order to protect all Hong Kong well as to ensure that the risk levels faced by the HKSAR and the Mainland are on par so as to maintain the basic conditions for quarantine-free travel,” the release said.
Government earlier extended the LeaveHomeSafe app mandate to cover all restaurants and premises governed by Cap 599F, on top of all government properties. The change will take effect on Thursday.
Existing social distancing measures including the mask-wearing mandate and the group gathering cap of four will be extended for two weeks from Thursday, to December 22.
On another note, the government will tighten traveling restrictions for Hongkongers returning from Argentina, Croatia, Fiji and Latvia starting Friday, as cases related to the Omicron variant were confirmed in these countries.
Non-residents who had been to these regions will be banned from entry.
Returning Hongkongers can only board a plane if they have been fully vaccinated and hold a recognized vaccination record. They will have to undergo compulsory 21-day quarantine in a designated quarantine hotel and conduct six
Covid tests during the period.