The unusual level of freedom available in Hong Kong is being cynically exploited by China’s enemies to turn its people against each other and their own country
The emerging new cold war being waged by the United States against China has many fronts. Thanks to the six-month-old unrest, Hong Kong has turned itself into an ideological frontline. This is the propaganda war between China and the US for the hearts and minds of Hong Kong people.
Americans are winning, hands down! US politicians have passed a law – the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act – that could impose sanctions on Hong Kong government officials for “alleged human rights abuses”. What abuses? Whatever Americans say they are!
That unmistakably qualifies as interfering in Hong Kong’s domestic affairs. Imagine if China suddenly takes a humanitarian interest in the average 1,000 civilians killed by US police every year or in America having the world’s highest incarceration rate, relative to its population size. Most of those jailed are blacks and Hispanics, thereby disenfranchising one in six black men from voting. It’s the new Jim Crow. They all sound much worse than anything happening in Hong Kong.
No matter. Many locals, including all pan-democratic lawmakers, cheered the law’s passage, now awaiting the US president’s signature.
The city’s anti-government activists and lawmakers have been travelling the world to claim how bad China was in repressing Hong Kong. Several US senators came to Hong Kong, stayed a few days and “confirmed” how bad things really were. And they say Hong Kong is not free?
Now the US State Department has cited the continuing unrest as proof of the erosion of Hong Kong’s autonomy. Doesn’t it prove the opposite, as Beijing has taken a hands-off approach?
Our protesters/rioters have been “awarded” the John McCain Prize for Leadership in Public Service. Wait a minute: I thought they prided themselves on having no leaders! Former lawmaker Emily Lau Wai-hing and activist Figo Chan Ho-wun of Civil Human Rights Front will accept the prize “on behalf of all Hongkongers”. How did they come to represent the movement, let alone the people of Hong Kong, many of whom object to the dismal violence and destruction of their city? Those who find the award absurd and offensive should take a stand and reject it.
Unfortunately, some Hong Kong people, especially young ones, rather side with the US against China as they tear their own city apart. That’s called treason in most places. In Hong Kong, it’s a protected freedom!