Two more students were added to this year's Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education exam top scorers, making a total of 11, as the Examinations and Assessment Authority released appeal review results yesterday.
The two were Yu Tung-ching from New Territories Heung Yee Kuk Yuen Long District Secondary School and Au Pui-yan from SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School.
Both girls got seven 5** after the appeal, becoming the first top scorers in their alma maters in the process.
Yu had 5** in four core subjects and the maths extended (M1/M2), and 5* in her two elective subjects, geography and economics.
She filed an appeal over her two electives and got an upgrade in geography in August. She then applied for a review of her economics grade.
Yu is currently in London, pursuing a dual degree program in law jointly launched by The University of Hong Kong and University College London.
Her school said Yu, who aspires to be a lawyer, would go to the high court during her free time, and was an intern in a barrister's chambers, to learn the operations of legal institutions.
"Her successes are a result of her wholehearted dedication and a strong commitment to her studies. Having a genuine zeal for learning, she has been keen on acquiring knowledge before the examination; even after the exam, she has endeavored to seek the truth," Yu's school said.
Au, for her part, got 5** in the four core subjects, biology and physics, while her chemistry got an upgrade after the appeal review.
She was awarded a Prince Philip Scholarship in July to read natural science at the University of Cambridge, majoring in biology.
"During the summer break after the HKDSE, Au had been a science tutor for her juniors, and had encouraged them to explore more possibilities in science," Au's alma mater SKH Lam Woo Memorial School said.
The 11 includes five "super top scorers" - who also achieved an additional 5** in the maths extended (M1/M2) exam.
The first eight were made known when the authority released DSE results on July 20, while Enzo Leung Ka-long, who attended Diocesan Boys' School, became the fifth super top scorer after getting his economics exam upgraded in August.
Leung has enrolled in the medicine Programme global physician-leadership stream of the bachelor of medicine program at the Chinese University.