Ten-year jail for man who sexually assaulted and raped three girls 40 years ago
Justice came 40 years after a Hong Kong man sexually assaulted and raped three young relatives when they were aged between 7 and 11.
The man was sentenced to 10-year imprisonment in High Court on Tuesday for crimes committed against the daughters of his cousin.
Passing sentence, High Court judge Johnny Chan Jong-herng said the 58-year-old defendant, identified as T.F.M., had not been brought to justice after the incident for nearly 40 years.
During the said period, the defendant had been convicted of one charge of illegal gambling. He had also started a family and raised four children with his wife, in which the family still keeps in touch with the three victims involved in this case, said Chan.
Chan also noted that according to the psychological reports of the three victims identified as X, Y, Z, it showed that X and Z still suffered from the incident and required psychotherapy throughout the years.
The judge said the sentence had taken into account the interests of the victims, the deterrent effect of the sentence, and the nature of the crime committed.
He stressed that the particulars of his sexual assault charges were as serious as raping, however, considering the defendant being a first-time offender and the case being prosecuted 40 years late, the 10-year jail sentence has adequately reflected the criminality of the conduct alleged against him.
The 58-year-old had earlier been charged with five counts of sexual assault and one count of rape. The three victims X, Y, Z were born in 1976, 1969, and 1979 respectively.
The defendant was accused to have sexually assaulted Y on a vessel in Hong Kong in 1982, and had twice sexually assaulted X five years later. He also allegedly raped and twice sexually assaulted Z on a vessel between January 1, 1986 and December 31, 1987.
The jury unanimously found the defendant guilty on three sexual assault charges, also returning a guilty verdict on another sexual assault charge and rape charge by a 6-1 majority. His sexual assault charge involving X has been acquitted.