A cold front over southern China is expected to arrive in the city today, bringing in temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius tonight for the first time this autumn, according to the Observatory.
Showers are also expected over the weekend with lower temperatures tomorrow and the day after, ranging between 18 to 22 degrees.
Weathermen also forecast it to be cooler on Sunday, with a high of 24 degrees and a low of 19 degrees during the day.
The temperature for the period is expected to be the lowest since 1994, when the temperature dipped to 17.2 degrees.
The Observatory said Friday and Saturday will also see several showers and rain patches.
There will also occasionally be strong wind offshore and on high ground as well as cloudy weather.
The weather on Sunday will gradually become sunny, with the temperature rising to 24 degrees on Sunday afternoon. Early next week will see brighter weather in southern China due to a dry continental airstream.
"Most days throughout next week will be sunny, and the weather near the next weekend will remain sunny as well as dry," the Observatory says.
The temperature next Friday is predicted to be 20 degrees, with humidity reaching 50 percent.
Scientific officer Lee Fung-ying said people should remind elderly citizens about the upcoming weather changes so they can prepare for it.
Meanwhile, she said the temperature across the city yesterday ranged between 23 and 26 degrees.
"There were a few showers in the morning, with sunny intervals and the temperature reaching the maximum of 29 degrees during the day," she said.
"Moderate easterly winds were blowing, and occasionally fresh wind offshore was detected at the start of the day."