Sixty four locations mostly in the Central and Western district were including seven schools have been subjected to the mandatory testing order list as authorities will announce 20 more confirmed cases today.
The seven schools included West Island School, St Joseph's College and Kellett School, whereas affected workplaces involved UBS, Standard Chartered Bank, FWD-HK and Cathay Pacific.
The list of 64 pinpointed locations were places where there was one confirmed case, and also 13 buildings in Sai Ying Pun where sewage was tested positive of the virus.
The full list of buildings covered by compulsory testing notices is available here.
Visitors of these premises should be tested by tomorrow. They can go to 20 community test centers and mobile test stations listed here for nasal and throat swab tests.
They can also head to 121 post offices, 20 MTR stations and 47 Hospital Authority clinics to get deep throat saliva sampling packs.