Public consultation launches over fining HK$3,000 on dropping litter
A one-month public consultation for raising the penalty for littering from HK$1,500 to HK$3,000 was launched on Monday.
"The government will consult the Legislative Council this year on the proposal to increase the fixed penalty level," said the government spokesperson, "Other proposed legislative amendments will be put forth in mid-2023."
Under the current proposal, seven offences will lead to a fine of HK$3,000, including waste disposal and spitting at public places, country parks, or the sea.
People who conducted two offences related to shopfront extension and illegal disposal of construction waste or a large number of other waste will be charged HK$6,000.
Citizens can send their views by post, email, fax or using the e-form in the public consultation document from the Environment and Ecology Bureau website.