Porn addicted bus driver jailed 34 months for trying to bed stepdaughter
A bus driver was sentenced to 34-month imprisonment after he stormed into the room of his girlfriend's daughter to try to have sex with the underage girl twice in three years.
The 47-year-old defendant, identified as “ABCD” in District Court to protect the girl “X”, appeared before judge Stanley Chan Kwong-chi Friday and pleaded guilty to indecent conduct towards a child under 16 and two counts of sexual assault.
The first time the crime took place was in August 2018 when X was only 12. ABCD kissed X and touched her body, including her private parts, after he entered X's room.
Three years later, ABCD pretended to be X's mother and texted X on October 24, 2021, saying he had contributed a lot to this family and wanted X to fulfill his demands, without the mother knowing any of this.
This time ABCD exposed his private parts to X and attempted to take off X's pants but in vain. The defendant then expressed his feelings towards X before he left the room.
The defendant was arrested the same month, as he admitted under police caution that he was addicted to the theme of stepfather and stepdaughter after watching porn.
When handing down the sentence, judge Chan said there were other ways for the defendant to tackle his sexual needs without troubling the young girl at all.
Chan added the defendant's crime, committed only to meet his own sexual interests, caused long-lasting trauma to the girl.
Chan noted that the girl suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and had nightmares after the incident, which also shattered her trust towards her own mother.
The court must hand down a sentence with a deterrent effect so as to do justice for the harm and grief that befell the girl, Chan said as he put ABCD behind bars for 34 months.