Plastic bag levy to be doubled to HK$1 starting Dec 31
The plastic bag levy of 50 cents is expected to be doubled to HK$1 starting from December 31 as authorities aim to move the motion for a vote in the Legislative Council meeting later this month.
According to papers submitted to the LegCo today (Thu), Secretary for Environment and Ecology Tse Chin-wan will move the motion for a vote in the meeting on October 19, with authorities expecting a 25 percent decline in plastic bag disposal after the measure comes into effect.
The measure will also cut two exemptions, including chilled or frozen food and food in non-airtight packaging.
Meanwhile, plastic bags used for packaging and plastic bags provided for purchased services will remain.
Only one plastic bag will be exempted for one purchase of food that is unpackaged, like apples and bread wrapped in paper.
Lawmakers had proposed increasing the minimum levy on a bag to HK$2 back in July. The administration said it would be appropriate to adjust the charging level gradually.