The crowd-donation platform Share for Good, founded by New World Development, announced partnering with the Fortune Pharmacal and S.F. Express to donate 1,700 boxes of fever and pain relief medicine to those in need.
With daily
Covid confirmed cases remaining at a concerning level, the demand and prices for fever medication and painkillers have risen recently. That creates a severe medicine shortage among low-income families and nursing homes as they are unable to afford the medicines, putting them at high risk.
Share for Good thus partnered with SFHK to allocate 1,700 boxes of Fortolin Extra donated by Fortune Pharmacal – with anti-fever and pain relief formula – to three non-profit organizations.
The organizations are Christian Family Service Centre, Hong Kong Single Parents Association, and Principal Chan Free Tutorial World. Subsequently, SFHK will deliver the donated medicine to those in need.
New World Development set up Share for Good during the fifth wave of
COVID. Since then, 60 non-profit organizations have joined the platform.
It has also been widely supported by citizens and various sectors, receiving over HK$58 million worth of donations and supplies from the public and over 200 organizations, ranging from antigen test kits to coupons for supermarkets and fast food stores.