National emblem appears on SAR government websites
The national emblem of China can now be spotted on a number of SAR government websites, including that of the Chief Executive Office, the Legislative Council and the Judiciary.
On the website of the CE Office, the national emblem is located on the top left corner. It also appears to be larger than the emblem of the SAR.
Earlier the National Flag and National Emblem (Amendment) Ordinance was passed in the LegCo, aiming to stop people from insulting the national flag and emblem. The amendment comes into effect today (Friday).
A government spokesman said “The fundamental principle and spirit of this amendment is 'respect' – respect our country and respect the national flag and national emblem.
Targeting persons who conduct public and intentional acts with intent to desecrate the national flag or emblem, the amendment has maintained and clarified the provisions regarding offenses and penalties,” the spokesperson said.
The amendment will also provide the use, etiquette, education and promotion in relation to the national flag and emblem, according to the spokesperson.
Under the amendment the national flag and regional flag will be displayed on Labour Day (May 1), Lunar New Year's Day and Constitution Day (December 4).