Man signs 18-month bind-over order over liaison office bomb scare
A 53-year-old jobless man charged with a bomb hoax signed an 18-month bind-over order for HK$1,500 on Friday as the judge warned that he would definitely be jailed should he commit the crime again.
The defendant Mak Kwong-sang was charged with a count of bomb hoax for falsely telling police that someone planted a bomb or explosives at the Chinese liaison office in Hong Kong on Connaught Road West on June 18 last year.
Mak was found not guilty in April, but the judge ordered him to be remanded in custody, pending two psychiatrist’s reports to decide if the court should hand down a hospital order.
In Eastern Magistrates' Courts today, magistrate Daniel Tang Siu-hung referred to the reports and cited two psychiatrists saying that Mak needs only stick to his medical consultations regularly.
Mak was told he should also take his medicine on time in order to improve his condition.
Tang noted that generally offenders would be jailed, but pointed out that Mak was under the influence of medication when he committed the crime.
Tang then ordered Mak to sign an 18-month bind-over order for HK$1,500.
Tang also reminded Mak to take his medicine on time and not to miss his doctor's appointments, warning that he would be jailed the next time he committed the crime.