Light Public Housing units available for as low as HK$570
The monthly rent of a Light Public Housing unit will range between HK$570 and HK$2,650 depending on its size, about 10 percent off that of a traditional public rental housing unit, according to papers submitted to the Legislative Council.
The LegCo's Panel on Housing will convene a meeting next Monday (Nov 7) to discuss housing policies proposed by chief executive John Lee Ka-chiu in his maiden policy address.
According to papers submitted by the Housing Bureau, most of the Light Public Housing units will be supplied to applicants who have been waiting for public rental housing units for more than three years, with families being prioritized.
The units will include an independent toilet and a cooking area, and will come with an air conditioner and a water heater.
There will be units in large sizes to house families of four to five as well.
The bureau also said authorities' goal at this point is to provide about 30,000 of Light Public Housing units in the next five years, and will apply for a funding from the LegCo in the first quarter next year.
The government has confirmed that the construction of about 12,000 units from eight public housing estate projects will be completed in advance between 2023/24 and 2027/28 under the Public Rental Housing Advance Allocation Scheme.