More than 1,800 businesses, including Hong Kong Disneyland, have expressed interest in registering for the program.
The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) and the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) have compiled a new list of hygiene standards for hotels, restaurants, and other tourist attractions to keep visitors informed when it comes to
COVID-19 protocol.
“We aim to promote best practices for hygiene and anti-pandemic measures across tourism-related sectors and acknowledge their efforts in combating the pandemic through professional and impartial third-party verification, thus restoring public confidence in out-of-home consumption and travel,” Ir C. S. Ho, Chairman of the HKQAA, said in a press release shared with Travel + Leisure on Thursday.
Businesses that wish to participate in the program will be required to apply new hygiene and anti-epidemic measures on-site. After passing an assessment, the businesses will be able to display a designated logo in their logos, indicating that they are accredited by the program. After joining the program, the businesses continue to undergo random inspections to ensure continued compliance.
More than 1,800 businesses, including Hong Kong Disneyland, have expressed interest in registering for the program, T+L is told.
Some of the new standards may overlap with rules implemented by organizations like the Center for Health Protection and the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. For example, indoor businesses need to invest in air purifiers or ventilators to change out the air at least six times per hour.
Hong Kong Disneyland reopened last month after a second spike in
coronavirus cases halted its original opening. Guests are required to make reservations in advance, sign a health declaration, and comply with new social distancing rules when visiting the park.
In total, Hong Kong has reported just over 5,100 confirmed cases of
COVID-19, according to the government health bureau.
Hong Kong is not the only destination to implement a certification program. Earlier this year, Singapore launched a similar program to designate which hotels and tourist attractions met a new standard of cleaning.