HKDSE mock exam in mainland welcomes 200 candidates
A mock exam for the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) started with around 200 candidates in China's Zhuhai city on Saturday, as mainland students can sit the SAR public exams from 2024 across the border.
Held by Beijing Normal University & Hong Kong Baptist University United International College and a local tutoring institution Beacon College, the mock exam provided Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics test papers.
The mock exam's invigilation arrangements and marking mechanism are followed with the Hong Kong standards while marking references, comments, and post-test analysis will be provided.
Last June, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority announced that eligible schools from the mainland will be allowed to sit and conduct DSE examinations starting in 2024.
It means that Hong Kong students living in the mainland no longer need to travel to Hong Kong to sit the examinations as private candidates.