An alliance that organized the annual June 4 vigil will delete all old posts and messages on social media following a police order, but it has created a new Facebook page to continue its online presence.
The Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China said the organization, seven standing committee members and its secretary received a letter from the police last Friday, demanding them to delete posts and messages on specified social media platforms within seven days.
The alliance today published a post on its old
Facebook page, saying it will delete the website,
Facebook page of the organization as well as other social media posts at 10pm tonight.
However this does not mean the alliance will disappear on the internet, as the alliance said it will share updated news and information on another
Facebook page with a shortened name “hkalliance.”
According to information on the new
Facebook page, it was created only yesterday. There is only one post, the same one the alliance published on its old page today on deleting social media and website.
As for the online June 4 museum under the alliance, it will remain as it is not counted as the online messages specified in the police's letter.
The alliance said that the order to delete online messages was issued by the Police Commissioner, in accordance with implementation rules for article 43 of the national security law. It empowers police to require the alliance to delete or remove messages published online before any specified deadline.