The scientific committees under the Centre for Health Protection today updated the criteria for releasing confirmed Covid-19 patients from isolation based on scientific understanding on the virus.
For patients who did not develop any symptoms, they need to fulfill either one of the criteria – two specimens collected from respiratory or stool test negative at least 24 hours apart, or three specimens taken at least 24 hours apart show consistent CT value 33 or above, or it has been 10 days after the patients tested positive for the virus.
Asymptomatic patients may also be released if they anti-bodies test results came back positive and show CT value 33 or above in at least one virus test.
For patients who have developed symptoms, they also need to fulfill either one of the above requirements, and they need their clinical conditions to improve and have no fever anymore.
The criteria were updated by the Scientific Committee on
Vaccine Preventable Diseases and the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases, joined by the Chief Executive's expert advisory panel.