Green group calls on complete ban on plastic umbrella bags
Greeners Action on Friday called on the SAR government to impose a complete ban on plastic umbrella bags no later than 2025, as the green group finds most places in the territory still distribute the plastic bags on rainy days.
The green group found that 61 percent of the 183 banks and restaurants they surveyed between July and August still provide disposable plastic umbrella bags.
It said over 90 percent of the Bank of China and HSBC branches provided the bags, with a number of them providing more than one umbrella bag dispenser inside the premises.
Meanwhile, chain noodle shop TamJai Yunnan Mixian has the highest number of shops - up to 61.5 percent of their shops - providing umbrella bags.
Separately, the green group contacted government departments over their use and distribution of the umbrella bags, finding that most of the departments have already reduced the usage of umbrella bags by using other alternatives, such as umbrella dryers and umbrella racks.
The Leisure and Cultural Services Department has even ceased the distribution of the one-off umbrella bags completely, it said.
Greeners Action stressed that the most ideal solution to the waste problem is a complete ban on the umbrella bags, adding that businesses should take the lead in this respect to reduce landfill waste.