Flagfall rates for all taxis up by HK$3 starting today
Flagfalls for all taxis in the city are HK$3 higher starting today (Sun), Urban red taxis will have a base fare of HK$27.
As for New Territories and Lantau taxis, the flagfall charge will be HK$23.5 and HK$22, respectively. This is the first taxi fare rise in five years.
For urban taxis, that would mean each 200 meters after the first two kilometers will cost $1.9 after the price surge instead of $1.7, and after the ninth kilometer of the journey each tick will cost $1.3 instead of $1.2.
Each tick for NT taxis will cost $1.7 instead of $1.5 from the second to eighth kilometer of the journey, while it will cost $1.3 instead of $1.2 per tick afterward.
It will cost Lantau taxi passengers $1.7 per tick instead of $1.5 for the second to 20th kilometer, and $1.5 instead of $1.4 per tick afterward.
For additional charges, the fare for every piece of baggage will remain at HK$6, while the fare for every animal or bird carried and every hiring arranged through telephone booking will remain at HK$5.