Health authorities said around 5,000 beds in hospitals would be designated to serve the confirmed patients under the pressure of increasing cases of Covid-19.
In a TV program, executive director of Hospital Authorities Larry Lee Lap-yip said public hospitals now accommodate much more patients. The newly admitted patients increased from 250 to 300, and those in severe conditions rose from 20 to 43 this month.
“Children patients below 11 rose from 60 to 104 for the last two weeks,” he noted.
“The utilisation rate of isolated units for paediatricians increased from 50 percent to 70 percent, and only 20 percent of the beds in North Lantau Hospital remain available for newly admitted,” He mentioned.
Lee said that the Hospital Authority previously launched a scheme to reserve 2,500 beds last month. If the epidemic continues, a new plan to secure hospital beds for
Covid patients will be launched as around 5,000 beds in different hospitals will be designated to accept patients from public hospitals.
“The treatment center of AsiaWorld-Expo will be reopened as early as this evening with around 200 health care staff and 200 beds for
Covid patients,” said Lee.
With the concern of adjusting or reducing the non-emergency services for patients, Lee pointed out the epidemic may cause pressure on the resources of public hospitals. He emphasises that hospital authorities will try to cope with any condition without affecting patient services.