Employers shall not withhold paid leave from amber-coded employees
If employees with amber health codes are considered as not suitable for work, the employers should pay their salaries for that day but not require them to take sick leave or deduct paid leave, Secretary for Labour and Welfare Chris Sun Yuk-han said.
This came after the government recently added color-based health codes to the vaccination pass to identify people with higher risks of infection.
Sun said employers and employees should maintain healthy communications, and the Offices of Labour Relations Division can help to coordinate if necessary.
He said the new government will continue to pay attention to labor issues, including follow-up work on the abolition of the Mandatory Provident Fund offset and adjustments of the minimum wage level.
In addition, Sun said as the demand for residential care homes for the elderly rises, the government will take a multi-pronged approach to increase the number of places. That includes setting aside 5 percent of total gross flat areas in the future public housing projects for welfare facilities and requiring private land sales projects to build more social welfare facilities.