Eligible mainland schools could hold DSE examinations from 2024
Eligible schools in the mainland will be allowed to host the Diploma of Secondary Education Examination starting from 2024, while most exams could be taken outside Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority said eligible schools from the mainland will be allowed to sit and conduct DSE examinations starting in 2024.
It means that Hong Kong students living in the mainland no longer need to travel to Hong Kong to sit the examinations as private candidates.
HKEAA mentioned that mainland schools applying to hold the DSE examinations must be recognized by relevant mainland authorities as eligible schools for Hong Kong students that are approved to offer secondary education diplomas.
The authority also confirmed that it had received applications from mainland schools that would participate in the 2024 DSE.
However, in addition to English-speaking tests, candidates will be required to travel to Hong Kong to sit with local students for the practical examinations in physical education and music. They could not apply to sit for the assessment of Category B (Applied Learning) subjects and Category C Other Language subjects.
For the School-based Assessment, the authority will provide appropriate teacher training to mainland schools.