National People’s Congress Standing Committee will hopefully pass details for electoral changes in Hong Kong by Tuesday, member Tam Yiu-chung said.
Tam, Hong Kong's sole delegate to the Chinese top legislature, departed this morning for Beijing to attend meetings scheduled on Monday and Tuesday.
More details of the city's electoral changes will be hammered out, according to Tam.
“There will be three elections in the year to come, Beijing still has to allow time for the SAR government to do local legislation after passing the amendments,” Tam said.
“As the time is tight, if members see fit, the standing committee might already vote for the amendments in this meeting,” he added.
On March 11, National People’s Congress passed a proposal of improving Hong Kong's electoral system, including to introduce a qualification review committee to vet election candidates, as well as to increase the number of seats in the Legislative Council to 90 from 70.
On top of the current geographical and functional constituencies, there will be a new Election Committee constituency. However, the NPC has not decided the specific allocation of seats in the new 90-member Legco.
NPC resolution also stated that members of the Election Committee will increase to 1,500 from 1,200, but it has not decided whether to remove all 117 district councillor seats from the committee.