Election Committee can nominate at best five people for legco election
Members of the Election Committee could nominate at best 5 people to run for the legco election, according to the bill on electoral changes, Hong Kong’s sole delegate to the National People’s Congress Standing Committee Tam Yiu-chung said.
Under the bill, the newly-added Election Committee constituency is tasked with 40 seats in the legco, outnumbering that of functional and geographical constituency seats -- which stand at 30 and 20 respectively.
Tam did not associate such a nomination right with the Election Committee being in a privileged position, saying it was executed with respect to the bill on electoral changes.
“The National People’s Congress Standing Committee only gave away the framework of major principles [under the electoral changes], other concrete details as how the electoral changes will be executed will be handled by local legislation,” he said.
“If local legislation found a further adjustment of the electoral changes were appropriate, the Election Committee could help [as they are representative]...Therefore, the subject is not related to whether the committee is in a privileged position.”