School candidates must register for the exam through their schools, while private candidates have to register via the online system at the HKDSE Examination Online Services.
For private candidates, the initial fee will be HK$534, and the fee for language subjects in Categories A and C, like Chinese Language and English Language, will be HK$697 each. On the other hand, the fee for other subjects in Categories A and B will be HK$466 each.
For school candidates, all fees will be settled by the government after the finance committee of the Legislative Council has approved a financial commitment.
Students who wish to enter the exam as a private candidate should have sat the previous DSE exam, reached the age of 19 by January 1, 2023, or have completed or be pursuing a non-DSE curriculum equivalent to Secondary 6 in the year 2022/23.
A total of 69 subjects will be offered in the September registration, including 24 senior secondary subjects in Category A and 45 applied learning subjects offered to school candidates only in Category B.
Each candidate may enter for a maximum of eight subjects. The June registration pertaining to the Category C November 2022 series had been closed.
The authority reminded all candidates to ensure they can comply with necessary statutory requirements for sitting the DSE exam in Hong Kong, such as applicable visa or stay conditions, and quarantine requirements before the examinations.
Prospective candidates should read the “Instructions to Applicants,” which will be available on the HKEAA website and the HKDSE Examination Online Services from next Tuesday.