THE 2019 novel coronavirus acute respiratory disease - scientifically known as the 2019-nCoV ARD - has gripped the world in fear of a pandemic. The coronavirus has fanned anti-Sino sentiments, opening up old prejudices against the Chinese because the epidemic started in the city of Wuhan in Hubei province.
In 2009, the H1N1 flu virus afflicted 1,632,258 people in 214 countries and killed 285,000.
The H1N1 came from the United States.
Compare that figure to the Wuhan
coronavirus, which has infected 17,387 people in 20 countries and killed 1,200, so far.
So, why was there no outcry then against the US or the American people because of the H1N1 virus?
Because, folks, most of the so-called free world is controlled by Fake-media.
Did we ignore the H1N1 epidemic because it came from the US?
In its current dilemma, China has become transparent and opened its doors to scientific study.
The world has seen how the Chinese government has imposed a complete lockdown of Wuhan, forbidding its residents from leaving the city and barring non-residents from entering it.
We have seen how industrious or diligent the Chinese are in constructing a 1,000-bed hospital for
coronavirus patients in just 10 days.
So, remember this saying: When we point an accusing finger at anyone, another three fingers are pointed at us.