Beauty salon chain About Beauty suspend operations
About Beauty has suspended its operations for an "internal restructuring”.
A customer of About Beauty posted an SMS message from the company today, saying it is suspending operations until further notice for internal restructurings. All appointments have been automatically canceled.
Another netizen said that a similar notice was posted outside the branch and that customers could seek further information through Boujour Holdings.
Many commented that they still have bought prepaid packages and have yet to finish many of them.
Another said that a beauty therapist from the salon said she was not paid for two months.
About Beauty's hotline and website are currently unavailable.
Democratic Party district councilor Ramon Yuen Hoi-man said it may be triggered by shareholding disputes. He said that he has received over 10 requests for help from customers of three salons this morning, including About Beauty, Dr.Protalk and Top Comfort, which he understood are related to "shareholding disputes that greatly affected consumers and employees".
He said he will follow up on the situation and urged those being affected to contact him.
Bonjour Holdings has filed a writ to High Court last month to recover an interest-free loan of nearly HK$195 million from the company's current director and former major shareholder Wilson Ip Chun-heng.