15 fined for breaching anti-epidemic regulations during Labour Day holiday
Authorities stepped up patrols during the Labour Day holiday to ensure the public comply with the regulations on group gatherings and wearing of masks. Fixed penalty notices were issued to 15 persons and near 1500 times verbal advice were given out, authorities added.
As at 4pm on Monday, over 1 450 times verbal advice were given out during about 6160 patrols of venues by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) staff since May 1.
In the same period, fixed penalty notices were issued to 15 persons either breaching the prohibition of group gatherings of more than four persons in a public place, or not wearing mask in specified public places.
Promotional leaflets as well as venue broadcast and notices were used to urge the public to raise awareness of epidemic prevention and comply with the various anti-epidemic regulations and restrictions.
Any person failing to comply with the relevant regulations may be subject to a fixed penalty at $5,000.